Who I am

I am a hard working, transparent, honest and dedicated team player in the work environment.

As team leader in my previous position at MIP, I was good at motivating my team, and leading by example, with belief in a strong work ethic. I am ambitious, competitive and always looking for learning opportunities. I am at my best when faced with new challenges within my field.

As a developer at SovTech, I was constantly being challenged with new problems to solve with new technologies.

I recently founded my own company, Appsolutely. It has been a dream of mine for a very long time. I build standalone projects in my proficient tech stack for clients, and contract for companies too.

I am always friendly, polite and professional.


Stuff I do

These are a few of my main interests that keep me busy.

  • App Development

  • Web Development

  • Photography

  • IOT


Skills I have

These are a few of the skills I have picked up over the years

  • HTML, JS & CSS

    HTML, Javascript and Css form the base of the hybrid mobile apps development and web development that I develop.

  • Cordova

    Cordova is the wrapper that allows the HTML, Javascript and CSS to run natively on a mobile device. I developed a good understanding of Cordova through mobile app writing, and regularly use the command line tools.

  • NodeJS

    I generally use Node when testing to spin up small local servers to connect my applications to if there is no real backend yet for them to connect to, and have a good understanding of how it works.

  • Angular 2 & Ionic

    I have completed a Udemy course on Angular 2 and am currently learning how to integrate Angular into mobile apps using Ionic.

  • Bash

    I have a good understanding of the Bash scripting from using a Linux operating system and writing Bash scripts to automate various processes.

  • Git

    I have used GIT repositories extensively with my mobile app projects. I can use GIT via the command line, or a GUI interface like Fork or SourceTree. I have a good understanding of repositories, branches, commits, pipelines and push/pull requests. I have used GitHub, ButBucket and GitLab.

  • Jira

    I have used Jira extensively to track issues.

  • Java

    I studied Java at Van Zyl and Prichard and am proficient.

  • React JS

    During my time at SovTech I have used React as the frontend Javascript Framework for the applications I have built, these have been progressive, responsive web applications (PWA), I have been mainly using Typescript with React instead of pure JS.

  • React Native

    I have investigated React Native and skilled up on it when joining SovTech, I have recently created another small app as a refresher and am currently in the process of publishing it.

  • AWS

    I have used many AWS services including Cognito, DynamoDB (using GraphQL to CRUD data), Lambda, CloudFront, I generally use these behind Amplify. I have also investigated services such as Rekognition and Transcribe offered by AWS.
